Schema Description (1.3)

This document specifies the semantics of the 1.3 format.

Root object

The root object contains only two properties.

  1. The format specified (format)
  2. The array of test runs (test_runs).

The format needs to be a fixed value, namely the string "Dashboard Bundle Format 1.3". The test array must have zero or more test run objects.

Test run objects

This is the most fundamental piece of actual data. Test runs represent an act of running a test (a collection of logical test cases wrapped in a testing program) in a specific hardware context (currently constrained to a single machine) and software context (currently constrained to installed software packages and abstract source references, described later)

Each test run has multiple mandatory and a few more optional properties. The mandatory properties are as follows:

  1. The unique identifier assigned by the log analyzer (analyzer_assigned_uuid). Historically each test run was created by analyzing the text output of a test program. The analyzer was the only entity that we could control so it had to assign identifiers to test run instances. This identifier must be an UUID (that is, a string of 36 hexadecimal characters in the following format [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}. While upper and lower case letters are not distinguished lowercase values are preferred.
  2. Analyzer time-stamp (analyzer_assigned_date). This one of the few time stamps stored in a bundle. This one is authoritatively assigned by the log analyzer. It does not indicate when a test was actually started but rather when it was read and processed by the analyzer.
  3. Time check performed by the log analyzer (time_check_performed). Since LAVA uses analyzers that often run on the target device the value of the analyzer_assigned_date field was inherently unreliable. To differentiate between a device that has somewhat trusted time and date settings (such as a device running NTP service and having battery-powered real-time clock) from others we have introduced this boolean field. The interpretation remains open to the user but whenever one creates test run object it should be set to false unless the time can be trusted enough.
  4. A free-form collection of attributes (attributes). This is a simple object with arbitrary properties. It can be used as a simple extension point to append data that test runs cannot natively represent. To make this field database friendly it has been limited to a string-only values. That is, each property can be named freely but must point to a string value. In particular nested objects are not allowed.
  5. An array of tags (tags). Each tag is a string in the following format: [a-z0-9-]+. There should be no duplicates in the list although this is not enforced at format level yet.
  6. Test identifier (test_id). Test identifier is an unique string that designates a test. Tests are simply a logical container of test cases. The identifier must be a string matching the following regular expression [a-z0-9.-]+. It is recommended that reverse domain name scheme is used for test ID. Following this pattern would allow one to construct logical containers rooted at the top-level-domain owned by test owner.
  1. An array of test results (test_results). Test results are described in a dedicated section below.
  2. An array of attachments (attachments). Attachments are also described in a dedicated section below. It is worth mentioning that the format for storing attachments has changed and was different in 1.1 format and earlier. When processing unknown documents make sure to validate and evolve the format to the one that is recognized by your program.
  3. The hardware context in which the test was invoked (hardware_context).
  4. The software context in which the test was invoked (software_context).

Test results objects

Test result is an object with three essential and many less used properties. The most important properties are:

  1. test_case_id that identifies the test case (the test case identifier is a string, unique to the test it belongs to, the test is recored, as test_id in a test run object)
  2. result that encodes the outcome of the test. Currently only four values are allowed here, they are ‘pass’, ‘fail’, ‘skip’ and ‘unknown’. The first three are rather obvious, the last one has a special purpose. It is the recommended value of a benchmark. Essentially since benchmarks are not pass-fail tests (the measurements can be dissatisfying from a certain point of view but this is relative) and the result code is mandatory we have decided to use it by default for all benchmarks.
  3. measurement (optional) that encodes the benchmark result. This is a single decimal number. The system handles this without precision loss so don’t be afraid to use it for things that would be impractical with simple floating point numbers.

Since there is only one measurement allowed per test case our recommendation is to store each measurement (each number that comes out of some test code) as a separate result with an unique test case identifier. The only exception, perhaps, would be a case where the test case is really the same and subsequent results sample the same value periodically. We have not explored this area yet and it is likely that for profiling we’ll introduce a dedicated schema.

Attachments objects

Attachments are simple objects that store the pathname (or just name), mime_type and either the raw content (here stored as base64-encoded string) or a reference to a copy in a public_url field.

We don’t recommend storing very large attachments directly in the bundle. While it will work the performance of handling such bundles will pale in comparison to the same bundle with attachments stored externally.

Software context objects

Software context is a object that describes the “software” part of the environment in which a test was running. Currently this is limited to three pieces of information:

  1. A list of packages that was installed (packages). Each package is a simple object with name and version. So far we used this system for Debian packages but it should map fine for RedHat and Android as well.
  2. A list of software sources. A source is a loose association (it does not tell you exactly how the source was used/present on the device) between the test and some precise source code. The source code is identified by a particular commit (revision, check-in, change set, recored as branch_revision) in a particular version control system (branch_vcs) that is found at a particular, version control system specific, url (branch_url). Since many of our users use Launchpad we also decided to store the name of the project. Thus we associated the project_name property with a launchpad project name. There is one extra attribute, that is optional, which records the date and time of the commit (commit_timestamp). While we realise that time stamps do not form an ancestor-descendant chain (definitely not in distributed version control systems) they non the less provide useful context.
  3. A name of the system image. There is very little rationale behind this field apart from end-user usefulness (what was the user running?). We recommend to store the output of lsb_release --description --short if appropriate. Note that this does not allow one to uniquely identify images (at the very least this was not the indented usage of this field)

Hardware context objects

Hardware context is an object that holds an array of devices in its sole property (devices). Each device object has a type (device_type), a human-readable description (device_description) and an arbitrary set of attributes (contained in attributes). Each attribute may be a string or an integer.

There are some device types currently used by LAVA. The convention is “device, dot, device type”, for example we currently have device.usb, device.cpu and device.memory.

In practice devices are modeled ad-hoc, as the need arises. The attributes can store enough information to be looked up later that we did not try to standardize how all actual devices should be described (there is no strict schema for, say, PCI cards). We hope to see a set of mini-standards developing around this concept where a device of a particular class has a standardized set of attributes that everyone agrees on.

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